2 Great Writers’ Resources I Need to Share With You

I signed up for the Absolute Write forums – http://www.absolutewrite.com/forums/. I had been a longtime lurker under another user name, but this time I dove right in. It’s really a great resource for finding current information about writing, publishing, marketing and all of that. If someone there doesn’t have the answer to your question, they’ll at least have some strong opinions about it. They have subforums for all genres and one specifically for self-publishing and another for promotion, so I definitely encourage you to check it out. I had to be manually approved to start posting and to edit my profile, but I was approved in less than a day.

And the reason I bring up these forums now is that the postings in there led me directly to the Goodreads Making Connections group. Before, I was sort of vaguely aware you could offer your book to reviewers on LibraryThing and Goodreads, but I hadn’t really looked into the logistics. Turns out the Making Connections group is actually a pretty easy and friendly way to go about it.

The reviews are not specifically Goodreads reviews, but also Amazon and other sites as well.

How to Get Your Book Into Goodreads […]

For Readers – How to Leave a Review on Amazon

It’s pretty easy to leave a review on Amazon, but some people have never done it before. If you’re one of those people, here’s a quick tutorial on how to do it.

Before You Get Started

You will need an account with Amazon. It’s free to create one. You don’t need to tie it to a credit card.

I was surprised to see this question asked in the comments section of a blog. “I received this book as a gift, can I still review it on Amazon?” Absolutely you can. You don’t need to have bought the book on Amazon to leave a review of it there. Maybe you bought it elsewhere, maybe it was a gift, maybe you borrowed it from the library. It doesn’t matter. If you read it, you can certainly review it. And I encourage you to!

How to Leave a Review

Step 1

Find your way to the book you want to review. The fastest way is probably to type the title into the search bar.

If you scroll down the page to the customer reviews, you’ll see this:

Just click the button that says “Write a customer review”.

If instead, at the top […]