Checklists – My Ebook Checklist

I found it was easier to organize and visualize what I needed to do to publish an ebook if I made a checklist. It’s a good way of checking on my progress, and of ensuring that I don’t forget something.

One good thing about this checklist is that some of the steps don’t need to be done in order. I can work on them simultaneously with other steps, or I can jump around and tackle whichever one I’m in the mood for that day.

If you adopt this checklist for yourself, I encourage you to adapt it. Tweak it so it suits you.

dt {font-weight:bold;display: list-item; list-style-position: inside;padding: 0px; } dd {padding: 0px;line-height: 10px;}

Come up with a good title

My book What Should I Write About? can help you with that.

Choose a pen name (optional)

Amazon lets you use multiple pen names under one account.

Commission a cover

Or create a cover if you’re good at that.

Write the book

Yes, just that simple! ‘Write the book’ :)

Format the book

If you’re submitting to Smashwords and Kindle, you’ll have to do this twice.

Pick categories

Drill down as far as you can go. Choose […]